Perfect for that Special Birthday or Celebration

Great for Youth Groups, Sports Teams and more

Here's Where to Print Your Invites

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Here's Where to Send E-vites



Ultrazone allows Private Rentals for those groups which are too large to visit during our regular public hours or for those who would just like the private use of our facility. Private Rentals are held outside of our normal operating hours, typically for Summer Camps, Schools, Business Groups, and Non-Profit Organizations. Rentals include private use of our facility and laser tag arena. When scheduling hourly rentals, please keep in mind that this time is for your group to play as many Ultrazone laser tag games as possible. Anything else you'd like to do during this time such as eat, play arcade games, have business meetings, or just celebrate should be included when scheduling your time. To schedule your Private Rental, please contact us at 215-396-9936, via email at, or CLICK HERE for contact info.